MCA Canal 2024

How to Stop Alcohol Withdrawal Shakes & Reduce Tremors

When an individual consumes alcohol regularly, the CNS becomes accustomed to its depressant effects. The body, in response, produces more excitatory neurotransmitters to counteract the sedative properties of alcohol and maintain neural equilibrium. However, when alcohol consumption ceases or is reduced, the body still produces an excess of these excitatory neurotransmitters, leading to hyperactivity in the nervous system. This hyperactivity manifests as tremors, shakes, and other withdrawal symptoms.

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

Detoxing means clearing the alcohol from the body and managing withdrawal symptoms. Although alcohol will clear the body within a few days, cravings, shakes, and other withdrawal symptoms may linger longer. Once the body is free of alcohol, an individual can begin addiction treatment. Our staff is prepared to help you focus on your physical health, so the detox process is as comfortable as possible. Ethanol disrupts the body’s ability to maintain tight control on the blood sugar levels. The result is a low blood sugar concentration, which is the main cause of weakness and fatigue, and even tremors experienced during a hangover.

Outpatient Treatment

Tremors are caused by a problem in the areas of the brain that control the body’s muscles. If you’re trying to kick the alcohol habit and struggling with withdrawal symptoms, don’t go it alone. A healthcare provider can help guide you through the process and might even recommend treatments to make things a bit easier on you. Sober House If you opt for inpatient treatment, you’ll be monitored for hallucinations or other signs of delirium tremens. Your blood pressure levels, body temperature, heart rate, and blood tests will also be carefully monitored. You will be given fluids by an IV and may be sedated with medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms.

What Causes Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

I’ve spent the last seven years researching and understanding alcoholism, addiction, and how people get sober. Additionally, I examine the way mental and physical health as well as our relationships with others impact the reasons people drink and their role in maintaining sobriety long-term. Take it seriously, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you need it. I’ll also include additional resources if you’re curious about what it’s like to quit drinking. In short, alcohol shakes are usually part of a hangover and go away on their own, while DTs are a severe, medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

Diagnosing it is often a matter of ruling out other conditions that could be causing symptoms. Committing to the alcohol recovery process is the best way to keep tremors at bay. Over time, your body adjusts to being alcohol-free, and you won’t experience withdrawal symptoms.

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